
الوصايا العشر للرجيم

الوصايا العشر للرجيم  الوصايا العشر للرجيم  ١- لا تتناول الطعام إلا عند الشعور بالجوع وبين الوجبات تناول شيء قليل السعرات الحراية مثل ( تفاحة ثم ۲ كوب من الماء أو بعض الخضر) والشعور بالجوع يؤدي إلى امساك الخلايا الدهنية عن تفريغ محتوياتها ويقلل عمليات التمثيل الغذائي وحرق الدهون.. ولذا فتناول شيء قليل السعرات يحفز على التخسيس. . ۲- عند شعورك بالجوع تناول کوبا من الماء البارد غير المثلج لأن الماء و المثلج يقلل من مناعة الجسم وهدث تخديرا للجهاز المضي فياكل الانسان دون احساس واعلم بأن البدء بشرب الماء قد يكون له أكبر الأثر في تقليل كمية الطعام وقد يكون هذا الشعور نتيجة العطش وليس الجوع. وفي حالة بدء الطعام يفضل أن يكون الطبق الأول من الوجبة هو طبق الفاكهة ثم طبق السلطة الخضراء التي تحتوي على معظم الخضروات الورقية مثل البقدونس والكرفس والشبت والكسبرة والخس. ٣- حاول ألا تتناول السكر في وجباتك أو قلل من كمية السكر اليومية في وجباتك إلى الحد الأدنى ويمكن استبداله بالعسل. ٤- تذكر أن جسمك يحتاج إلى نوعيات مختلفة من العناصر الغذائية المختلفة لتحقيق توازن غذائي، فيمكنك

دكتور باهر السعيد : فيتامين ب 5 جنيه الخارق بديل للمستورد ب 1000 جنيه

دكتور باهر السعيد : فيتامين ب 5 جنيه  الخارق بديل للمستورد ب 1000 جنيه دكتور باهر السعيد : فيتامين ب 5 جنيه  الخارق بديل للمستورد ب 1000 جنيه  AZJOBEON يكلمنى كثيرا  ناس  كثيرين يقولون انهم اشتروا فيتامينات بسعر 800 او 1000 جنيه وهناك اعلانات كثيرة على الانترنت كاذبة جدا وخطيرة  جدا على الصحة لكن فى السوق المصري به درر كثيرة لا تترك نفسك للنصب من اعلانات المكملات الغذائيه التى قد تضر صحتك   والتى تستغلك ماديا  ولاننا نومن بان يوجد فى مصر درر فى السوق المصري اليوم نقدم لكم افضل بديل مكمل غذائي ثقة 100 % انه الازجبيون فقط  الحبة بنصف جنيه السعر الشريط  اقراص ب 5.5 جنيه   ازجوبيون :  فيتامينات للشعر به بيوتين 5 مل جم كاف جدا للجسم نتائج ممتازة جدا جدا ومبهرة بالنسبى لى ازجوبيون :علاج تساقط الشعرة لان مادة البيوتين  الموجوده فى هذا الشريط   ازجوبيون :  عامل مهم  جدا في انتاج الاحماض التى تعمل على تكوين الكراتين    ازجوبيون :  للشعر ويمنع تساقط الشعر ومقوي للاظافر   ازجوبيون :  لو يستعمل 2 مرة لمدة 3 شهور لعلاج  يمنع  ةيعالج تساقط الشعر ازجوبيون :  لمر

Dry and damaged hair: the best treatments and remedies

Dry and damaged hair: the best treatments and remedies Dry and damaged hair: the best treatments and remedies  Dry and damaged hair: the best treatments and remedies Your hair is dry or damaged? The experts share with us the best treatments and remedies to find healthy and radiant hair. Dry and damaged hair: first determine the types of damage and stop the causes Dry, dull, weak, brittle, rebellious, static-laden hair that tends to instantly eat moisture and deflate just as quickly after styling - that's what you may see in your mirror . However, there are solutions to all these problems: by providing the care required for your hair, it can regain its beauty and glory of yesteryear. Michael Victor's advice, hair guru and owner of Delineation Skin & Hair in Toronto, will help you. According to Michael Victor, chemically damaged hair does not require exactly the same care as mechanically damaged hair. We must first diagnose the problem. Chemical damag

10 homemade recipes to save your hair during the winter!

Hydration and nutrition: 10 homemade recipes to save your hair during the winter! 10 homemade recipes to save your hair during the winter!  10 homemade recipes to save your hair during the winter : Winter is long, cold, harsh. Our hair, just like us, suffers from the cold. That's why it's very important to hydrate and feed them regularly. If you, too, like me, like industrial products, but sometimes you also like to make homemade masks, you know the ingredients, well, you're in the right place, so keep reading! 🙂 For my birthday, I received a very interesting book, which speaks about all natural beauty care for our hair ("I love my hair, Elodie-Joy Jaubert"). I devoured it. I love this type of books, and I find it a pity that the weekend does not last 5 days to be able to do everything you want to do! I received this book in November. Many events took place, so I did not really have time to think about my hair, I was satisfied with a L


HAIR CREATED DRY AND HYDRATION: WHAT IS THE ROUTINE ADAPTED? HAIR CREATED DRY AND HYDRATION: WHAT IS THE ROUTINE ADAPTED?  HAIR CREATED DRY AND HYDRATION: WHAT IS THE ROUTINE ADAPTED? The idea is widespread: to finish with dry hair and finally have soft and flexible, it must moisturize them. A good understanding of what it means to moisturize your hair will help you take better care of your hair. What does it mean to moisturize one's hair? If you think that hydrating your hair means bringing water to them, you are not alone in this misunderstanding. Moisturizing the hair means giving them a moisturizing agent instead. Water is not one. In fact, moisturizer means that fixes the water. We agree that water does not fix water. The key is to know what these moisturizers are. Some moisturizing agents and their benefits Oils: coconut, avocado, cocoa, shea ... Are moisturizing. Indeed, they fix the water naturally present in the composition of the hair. V


MY ROUTINE HAZARDY HAIR, DRY AND BAD. MY ROUTINE HAZARDY HAIR, DRY AND BAD. MY ROUTINE HAZARDY HAIR, DRY AND BAD: This is no longer a secret since I told you about it in my last blogpost, I simply lived a hair hell in the last 6 months. Brittle, dry, dull ... they have become my worst nightmare and I'm just starting to head out of the water (no pun intended). How did I get there? An overflow of ALL! Too many brushings, colors, curling iron, care unsuitable for my hair and especially a bad lifestyle. But I have the habit of changing my head every morning from blond to red, from the plunging square to extensions ... here I am with broken hair just a few inches from the root. My cut does not look like anything, my hair is completely dehydrated, I lost all the mass I loved so much, in short I am at the end of the roller and sport a cut that does not mean anything with 2 different lengths of hair. Tips from my hairdresser: cut the damaged tips, do not

Viagra is regularly the primary treatment strove for erectile brokenness in men and aspiratory blood vessel hypertension.

Viagra is regularly the primary treatment strove for erectile brokenness in men and aspiratory blood vessel hypertension.  Viagra is regularly the primary treatment strove for erectile brokenness in men and aspiratory blood vessel hypertension.   Normal utilize  The primary part of Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate.  Sildenafil Citrate influences the reaction to sexual incitement. It acts by improving smooth muscle unwinding utilizing nitric oxide, a substance that is typically discharged because of sexual incitement. This smooth muscle unwinding permits expanded blood stream into specific zones of the penis, which prompts an erection.  Sildenafil Citrate is connected for the treatment of erectile brokenness (barrenness) in men and aspiratory blood vessel hypertension.  Sildenafil Citrate may likewise be utilized for different purposes not recorded previously.  Measurement and heading  Normally the prescribed dosage is 50 mg. It is taken around 0,5-1 hour b